My mother-in law is a traveling nurse of a home health company. I drove around with her to see her patients today. To my amazement, I met these brothers and sisters of 12 and just 7 of them left, I met the 3. Namely, Stephen Richards, Lily Richards, Joseph Richards. Stephen is turning 100 years old this April, and Lily is turning 94 on the 3rd week of this month and Joseph is 86 years old. Isn't great!!?

I was able to meet Mr. Stephen Richards, a 99 year old man who is STRONG LIKE A HORSE. No hurting fingers, No hurting muscles, just a vague eyesight. Would you believe that!? And I'm not finished yet. He still cut his grass at his backyard, walks 1 mile everyday, go out with his grand-grand children and RIDES A ROLLER COASTER! When he celebrated his 94th birthday, he was swimming in the swimming pool just as no other. As we were talking, I asked him what was his secret why he has lived this long. A brief answer.... Take 1000 mg of Vitamin C and a jigger of gin everyday. He worked in farms all his young days.
Kudos Mr Stephen!!! Cheers for longer life!
(Me and Mr. Stephen Richards)

Let's talk about Ms. Lily Richards. The feisty Ms. Lily. At 94 years old, She is not a typical 94 years old woman who would just stay at home and just watch TV or not doing any locomotive movement. She walks and moves like a rushing leopard. She goes to the fitness gym when its not that cold, has a regular appointment in her hairstylist and she travels. She is once piece of a character. She says what she wants, she is frank, and she says what she thinks you deserve to hear. Ms. Lily is such so fun to be with. In my few minutes I spent with her, I would love to come back.
I know it sounds unreal but I'm talking about these perfectly healthy people!!!. Mom just need to check her blood pressure and weight so to make sure she is getting proper care at her age. She has vague eyesight too though.
When I asked her what was her secret of living this long, she said... CAJUN FOOD HONEY!
Mr. Joseph Richards, 86 years old. A PEARL HARBOR SURVIVOR. He worked as a marine service man and a welder in the US marine ship Oklahoma. He has appeared in several TV show for recognition for his bravery. Ms. lily has told me one of the greatest stories I have ever heard in my entire life. Listen to this...
Mr. Joseph attended a convention in Las Vegas several years ago with all the Pearl Harbor survivors. He was seating in this banquet (long table), eating with all the fellows when he started to hear a man, telling story how he survived on that horrible day. He said, there was this man who help him and his 4 more fellows get out of that sinking ship. A man who welded and create a hole so they can all go out of that sinking ship, as Mr. Joseph listens to the conversation, he could not stop thinking and mesmerizing about a certain happening that is exactly what had happen on that very same day. That he helped out 5 men drowning in the ship but he wasn't able to get all those names of that 5 men as he was moving furiously to help others too. As the man continues to tell the story, that he wished he was able to get the man's name who helped him so he could have thanked him, Mr. Joseph asked the man's attention who was telling the story and said,
"What ship were you in? ..
The man answered.. Oklahoma.
Mr Joseph told the guy with a a humble tone... I WAS THE ONE WHO HELPED YOU TO GET OUT OF THAT SHIP.
The man hugged Mr Joseph very much with tears falling on his eyes.
After so many decades had passed, these men had finally able to grasp the answers to their curiosity. What a story!!!
He was also stationed in the Philippines several times.
I could not imagine myself getting so old like their age. I don't know if our generation can still have such a long life span where all our food already comes in can, preservatives mixed in the food, the pollution and the way we live with all these machines to make our life easier and quicker. And also radiation from cellular towers and so many more factors.
All I can suggest is to live and maintain a clean living. We may not have a life until to our 100's, at least we are so lucky enough to be able to live and rip the hard work that these older people had contributed to make our planet have this innovation and technology that they didn't experience.
So amazing to know that there are people who live at such old age.How I wish I be able to live also that long.Only God knows!
This is such a nice one Sis!
Oh yeah sis. It just unbelievable to see these people.
wowh! fab. researh.. love it..:)
hello cathy, so glad to see u there and we(me & aunt bely) really like ur blogs so much. . . . gusto nga nmn magpaturo gumawa ng blogs pgkt my gusto nmn mg-blog, sayang wl k n dito.. . . paano b gumawa nyn?
Ang galing mo gumawa ng blogs. . . keep up d gud work girl . . .sn marating dn ntn age ng mgkkptd n yn.
Thank you Aunt Jonah.
Its just easy when you really devote your time on blogging. I have invested so many patience on figuring out what composes a good blog. From template to applications and widgets. Yan yung makikita nyong mga side contents.
to start with, you can create a an account in google. please go here.. then create an email. In that email you can create a blogging site in and just choose a template there.
Goodluck Aunte Jons.
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