I'd say as we go through our metamorphosis, we change our perspective in life. I, back then wanting to be the talk of the crowd, but now, I would like to be talker, and being listened to. And the only way I would be able to do that is to write what combusting in my head. It doesn't matter how my readers/listeners will take it, what matter is I know someone, in some way, a reader that has open his mind , once listened to what I had to say.
Bloggers of all walks of life has so much to express in their own little way, in their own little webpages. And whatever caused them to blog must be something really significant for them to share it around the globe. As a blogger myself, I blog because there is a piece of me that is only good in submersing myself into a deeper understanding as a result of my expression of something I couldn't put up in words and actually confabulating it with someone. The rushing words in my head feels like a time bomb that if I can't put them into composition, it'll hang me on that moment. Bloggers as well have the creative mind to morph their ideas into usable ones, Or thoughts to push someone else's self esteem. Motivate them to get out of one's shell. More importantly, Bloggers has the say of what has media will never show to the slope of audiences. This global village of modern world has so many ways to speak up and let people know that our ideas, thoughts, experiences, knowledge and even our self is way very interesting to be dated down.
Bloggers might be narcissistic or vain, or bitter, or alike; But being such is one way to be fully committed to ones point of view and point it across to the readers and even inflict it to them. Whenever I read blogs of my fellow writers about how they feel, what they think, what they are happy about, their days, their sadness, their passion, what they want to do in life, It gives me the opportunity to get to know someone through his/her words and make a picture out of it and really see through their window. I often encounter some scenarios which sometimes feels like dejavu to me. It makes me feel I am not alone.

With growth comes maturity!
very true Toni. And maturity comes with great responsibility.
love your blog! =) if you want to visit mine you can at http://jenniferscavone.blogspot.com
look forward to seeing you there! =)
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