Monday, July 26, 2010
Sad news about Hannah Montana.
What happen to Hannah Montana?
There was this discussion about "What is really in the minds of American Teens?" One answer that is really standing out is, "idolizing teen stars, following their foot steps and act like them", because that is what Idol mean to these young hearts.
MILEY CYRUS (17) a.k.a Hannah Montana who has been one of the role models of every teen in America, possibly saying in the world; has evolve to something that the public has never expected would occur this soon. She has become a disappointed of every parents who lets their kids watch Disney channel, and parents whom they have in trusted their children's inspiration and act as they grow. Miley Cyrus has been wearing very inappropriate clothes, bad lyrics in her songs (I can't be tamed"), and showing off more and more and more flesh in every performance she performs. That is not how a seventeen year old young lady to dress up and who is being watch in the TV by millions of young girls that'll soon be on Miley's age.
Now all those girls who are following Hanna Montana will follow this act. This society needs changing. This is the reason why we have teenagers nowadays dressing the way they do and acting the way they do, and are terrible example to young girls.
Lindsay Lohan is one of those child star too who rose to fame and hit the floor of shame, and now where she is? Miley Cyrus path is quite leaning towards to same way which Lindsay Lohan choose.
There are some television personality who change themselves to be something a little bit off from their selves just to draw attention from the public that lead these personalities to believe that fame is the most important aspect of one person's success. Very wrong.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ways to protect your identity.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Do I have a security for my identity?" Or, Have I ever exposed some of the confidential information of myself without me realizing that I have been? We'll talk about that.
Ever since I moved here in the United States, there are norms that I have to follow. Top of the line is, "Never let anyone know your Social Security Number." "Don't let anyone know about your Credit card pin", (some exception can be exercise if you have a spouse) or any banking information, Never put your complete name and birth date in the internet, and the list just goes on and on. Even one single move or any of these have happen to you, You are very much vulnerable on Identity theft or involvement in any type of fraud. Without your knowledge, your Credit score have plummeted already into the deepest depth of trouble. While I was organizing and getting rid off with all the clutter of paperwork we have here in the house a lighting of idea came up to senses with these few little and simple ways on how you can protect your identity.
From telephone and cellphone bills, credit card bills, unwanted school documents, insurance notice, student loan notification, hospital bills that has been accumulated over the months and years; We can't keep all these for so long! Its just going to clog up our drawers and waste more folders or organizer just to keep them in tact. Now that I have mention that you can't keep them and sitting and collecting dust, the first thing you will probably think is, "throw them". I would say DON'T! Don't throw and open yourself to bad guys who picks up your garbage and will dig on your trash bags hoping to find some recyclable stuffs.
Here are some ways on how to protect your identity from these opportunistic people;
FIRST, Put all your valuable documents that you think you don't want to keep anymore in one plastic bag. BURN them so noone can ever touch your information except the ashes.
SECOND, Buy a shredder machine for the family so you can shred all the documents that are no longer valuable, rather than throwing them in the trash with some of the information that other people can use against yourself.
THIRD, NEVER engage with a cold call telephone conversation which is from someone you hardly know. I am also referring to some telemarketing calls that asks for your credit card number for you to buy what they are offering. Or even responding to some emails which came from unknown sender.
FOURTH, If you are a member of Social Networking sites, DON'T accept a friend request from someone whom is not familiar to you. In our recent times, you can't just trust people who are making friends with you through the internet who happens to have a very good looking picture. This is one way to lure you about physical attributes for you to think that s/he is one good someone. They can use your information for some lame purposes.
And last but not the least, Don't expose your personal information to someone, establishment, organization without you knowing what is the reason or purpose why you are giving your information to them. Ask yourself again, "Are they reputable enough to know something about me?" Gather information about that party who is asking for your information and check out with the proper bureau who might have an idea what are they up to.
So long, If you know that you have never exercise any of these little ways to protect your identity, You are not only secured, but you are yourself is safe!
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