Yet another compulsive shout out in the middle of my work out. So random that I just literally just shut off the DVD workout I have been using for quite sometime now. I said, I have battling this weight which I have gained so far from eating carelessly and now I can't seem to loss the numbers. It's hard but I stayed diligent to achieve my goal. And here I am, I can't complain of my weight anymore rather just maintenance.
Every girl's dream is to have that perfect body. So perfect that you starve yourself and restrict from eating the right food for your body. Which is WRONG! All it takes is choosing the right food, right time to eat and right amount of food to shove in that hungry mouth. Take a look at the picture below.
The first picture was when I was in my "Desirable body" and the second picture is when I have gained 20 lbs from the base weight I was and including the 2 lbs of muscle mass I have toned so far ever since I have used Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred Out. Everyday, as much as I feel enervated from the 20 minute work out DVD, to me being healthy is my top priority. Yes, it is also important to look good, and tone but looks is just something you can't choose in time of sickness. You can have 36-24-36 measurement but if you can't manage to walk even 10 minutes, there's something wrong sister.
I am writing this because I would like to encourage everybody to dedicate at least 20 minutes of physical movements and refuse to live a sedentary lifestyle. If you are able and fully functional individual you can have a healthy day everyday. We all know that United States offers a wide array of cultural recipes on the table, it is hard to decide which restaurant to eat out in Friday nights, if its Buffet; more and likely you'd settle there like what happened with me and my husband. However, soon I realized I often times feels farouche wearing those sleeveless shirts, It was time to take an action.
I goggled and searched which one might fit my schedule best and a work out that will keep me motivated rather impatient. P90x was has well rounded reviews, but I thought it was too drastic and time consuming for a nursing student like me. So I settled on Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred out DVD. I have been using it for over a month now and I can definitely say its working for me. My endurance and agility has been continuously improving so as my body. I have lost 14 lbs in a month and gained 2 lbs of muscle mass. I am very finicky on choosing the serving of my food, but mindful of the calories.
I know food is very addictive and prodigious. It's very hard to negate the invitation that our fridge stores for us. But when you watch the show, "Extreme Makeover: Weight loss edition" people struggle in so many things that they turn to food as their comfort and as soon as they found it, it is so hard to turn their backs and control the seduction. What I would like to impart here is that, I wasn't as much as overweight like the ones on the show but I know how it feels like when nobody is there to talk to you in hard times. It was my personal battle to stop eating, and also procrastinating that I would watch my food the following day. But I never did. There, 30 lbs easy! I strongly discourage you to take this path.
I can't make you stop on indulging or make you move maybe , but there is one thing that we have in common; that is weight gained is self-esteem lost. Think about the times when you never had a problem shopping for jeans because the your size was never kept in the storage room, think about a time that your loveone would put his arm around you, but you have all these unwanted cellulite which are so embarrassing but its there, think about a time that you might have to rely on a machine to keep you going everyday, or insulin that will make your body hate injections. THINK about all these. Its not yet too late. Walk, do something, and get healthy. I did it, and so can YOU!