Jewelry, clothing, collectibles, gardening materials, household accessories, even gadgets and so much more!
I will challenge the saying that; "There's nothing free in this world". I would say yes there are free stuffs in this world that you don't have to pay for anything.
In the past few months, I have been an active user of this site which is called, wherein you can get free stuffs just by bidding on an item without money involve. Just like any other bidding site, you will bid for an item using credit points that you will earn in many different ways; Posting an item, sharing the item by posting in to your social networking sites, from referrals, commenting, and bidding.
This site is design for people who has so much stuffs in the house but you just don't know how to get rid of those items. Listia has a FREE SHIPPING feature that the seller of that item will pay for the shipping cost or if the seller doesn't offer free shipping, you can pay the shipping cost in a very minimal amount suited for the item, payable through paypal, money order or even concealed cash.
This is how listia works:
1.) You sign-up here... Sign-up in listia.
2.) By signing up, you will received 100 credits immediately.
3.) By posting your first item, you will received 50 more credits. Now you have 150 that you can use to bid on items.
4.) Post your first item/items you would like to open for auction as well so that other users can bid on your items.
5.) Once your item's auction ended, whatever is the ending bid credits will be transferred to your account. (e.g. 500 credits, you just earned 500 credits that you can use to bid to other items.)
6. The more you are active on this site, the more you earn credits everyday. There will be a lot of items that has 10 credit points that once you shared on your facebook's wall, you'll earn 10 credit points. Everyday, there are 3 items that has 1o credit points each that once you shared it to your facebook, or twitter's wall, you will earn that 30 points.
7.) Comment on those items, and sometimes you can also earn credit points.
8. ) As you post items, win an auction, bid, your level will get higher and higher and you will also earn badges that serves as basis for your credibility as a bonafide listia member.
Refer to this picture as a screen shot of my profile. Click the picture for an enlarged image.

So, I am inviting you to join the site to start getting free stuffs. This is ideal for stay-at-home moms. This is also one way on how to save up some of your $$ by not buying some stuffs that you can just get for free here in Listia.
Search me in find user and type, cutie_patootie and check my auctions.
Happy bidding and I hope I'll see you there.