All the Glory and Praise for Him!
I'm very happy to share my medical experience with everyone. My first day was very smooth. I arrived at St. Luke's at around 11:40ish AM and I was out the vicinity around 3:11 PM. yay! good 3 hours. I was asked to go back the next day for my vaccinations.
► I would suggest to those who will have their medical soon to go at St Luke's after lunch where people is less dense and crowded. Though the guard will give you the flowchart of the medical exam, it was not followed in my case since St. Luke people reshuffles the patients to go to a different department to squeezed you out of the waiting time.
►Never wear earrings on your 2x2 pics they will ask you to submit a picture with no earrings at the releasing counter on your 2nd day. ( I think I missed this info so I was wearing earrings.

►Avoid the fixers outside St. Luke's ( These people are just trying to make a living out of your innocence! not ignorance, so please be smart.)
And on my 2nd day, I arrived at like 12:45 PM. The guard typed my PDS (patient data sheet) number at the computer to check if I ain't wasting his time telling him I am here for immunization and he stamped my receipt "for immunization" 2nd floor. (Needles, here I come!)
There, I gave my receipt of the medical fee at the immunization counter. I waited for like 2.5 hours for my vaccines. Namely, MMR, Tdap, and Anti-Cervical Cancer.
Be very attentive, because you will be called via intercom speaker not the one who is calling names on the counter.
After I got my vaccines, Hey it was 3 shots! ( I was such in discomfort when I went out of immunization room because I'm seriously afraid of needles..

I walked home around 4:30ish PM with a big smile in my heart. Thank you Lord! I passed the tedious medical examination and I couldn't pray any harder for it.
►Take breakfast or lunch before you proceed on your immunization since you will really wait for a long time before you get called.
►Bring jacket. It became so cold just seating for a couple of hours.
►Be attentive esp when you are at the releasing section . The mic was very muffled I hardly understood my name, and if your name got called and you missed it, they will put your papers aside and you have to follow it up dreadfully. One of my seatmates who were way ahead of my timetable missed the call and she was waiting and waiting for her name to be called and yet, I finished first before her.
So yeah, these are the info I can share to you. My arms are still painful from the 3 shots I received

so I must let my hand rest for now.
I assume you will have your medical soon since you successfully reached the end of my argument, but let me tell you this, It wasn't that bad!